A lot of people have been asking me if ‘I’m ready’ and/or reminding me that Baby T can come any day now. I get comments about how excited or anxious I must be. In reality, of course I’m looking forward to it…but I think after approximately 9 months of preparing and being pregnant I’ve gotten used to it. So really, it doesn’t always ‘hit’ me that any day now she could be in my arms. However, there are times that I get these little twinges of sheer giddiness/elation/fervor…and another synonyms you want to add on. I absolutely can’t wait until we get to share Baby T with the world – in fact, at times I get a little frustrated that Jeremy can’t feel what I feel (her moving/the connection to her) because I want him to so badly. Or, I really want to start taking pictures with Grandmas and Grandpas….
But, then again I am more than willing for her to hold out just another couple of weekends. If we had just 2 more weekends to really prepare and get ready, then we’d be set. JT finished getting the room ready to actually paint color on the walls (he primed this weekend and wants to let it set for a week). Then I think I’ll be ready to decide on décor….which I’ve been going back and forth and back and forth and back again on. I’ve recently realized that on eBay I could get the components of the original set I liked at Babies R Us that we’d want – valance, some wall hangings – and not worry about spending $$$$ on a ‘set’ that we don’t need. But then again, it’d be just fine to make a valance (ok, my mom would make it) and piece together the room – that’d just take more time. JT is now claiming it’s all up to me – which doesn’t make it any easier! I don’t like having to make decisions like this! So, now I’ve determined that I’ll wait to see paint on the walls to inspire me.
I had a WONDERFUL shower on Saturday hosted by my friends Mel and Jess and my mom. I was overwhelmed by everyone who made it and showed their love for Baby T. It was kind of the last milestone….no more showers or anything like that to wait for. Now it’s just the ‘big day’! Also, is it cheesy/too materialistic that I gathered up all our baby stuff together and took pictures? JT and I couldn’t believe how having this baby doubled the amount of stuff in our house. The main reason it was all together was that I sorted it (bath stuff, toys, feeding stuff, etc) and organized all the clothes. I packed away most of the ‘bigger’ clothes, and started washing the blankets and smaller items. We have a lot – but considering I’ll probably need to change her outfit multiple times a day it’s good to have surplus.
We went to the Dr this morning – everything is good. I’m 50% effaced (which means my cervix is thinning) but that doesn’t really tell me much as first time moms typically ‘efface’ before becoming dilated…and there isn’t a set speed that it’ll happen. So I could go in next week and still be at 50%. However, when I’m 100% effaced labor is just around the corner! Otherwise, things looked fine I guess. Dr. said Baby seems nice and cozy where she is since there is no dilation. She guessed the baby to be about 8lbs 2 oz when I deliver – just based off my current belly size. So I wouldn’t’ bet on it – but she did say I probably wouldn’t have a 7 lb baby (but she promised I wouldn’t have a 10lb baby either…gee, thanks!). It'll be interesting to see how close she is.
That's all...but it's odd and fun to know that the next time I see a lot of people we will have Baby T with us!!
We came, we saw, we tired
6 months ago
You are totally nesting. I love it.
I am so excited for you!
You have no idea how excited I am that Baby T will be here any time now. The time went by so fast. At first I thought it was going to be so long, but it really wasn't. I do hope she holds out until after the 26th! I want you at my birthday! But of course I will understand if Baby T wants out by then. I won't stay mad at her. ;)
I think it is cute that you took pictures of everything you got from the shower. I hope my gift was right in front. Hah kidding.
But I bet the house seems smaller now that you have all this stuff in it! I can't wait to see the nursery when it is completely finished. I am sure it will look fantastic!!!!
Oh and an 8 pound baby is perfect! If it was 10 pounds I would really worry!!
It didn't even really ever hit me until we were walking out of our house to go to the hospital and I just looked at my house...knowing it would never be the same again. I wanted to just capture what it was to have an empty home just one last time. Does that make sense? I remember saying to myself "This is the last time I will be here and not have a child" Weird stuff
And just a TMI FYI lol, I had carson 2 days before his due date. I went into labor on a Saturday night...the day before at my 39 week appointment I was less than a pinky dialated. I was so frustrated and we had scheduled an ultrasound on Monday because my doctor was considering inducing.
The numbers don't mean much! Haha!
Sorry for the book!
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