I know pictures are what makes posts fun, but this one will have to be picture free. I’ll play catch up with those later.
So what has been going on? I’m back in full swing at work (is that the right term?) – not a thing has changed. That is not a good thing. I would have thought that after 3 months a few things would have either gotten finished up or figured out. I swear, the world DOES stop when I’m not around! (I kid, I kid…)
Now I’m trying to figure out a good balance between work and baby. Luckily I can leave whenever I want (no timeclock to punch) but I then I also deal with the repercussions of work piling up. For the most part, I’ve been out of here and home around 6:00. Jeremy’s job/hours are similar. I swear, I do not take for granted the advantages we gain by having family watch Bella. There is NO WAY Jeremy or I could leave work and pick up from a daycare by 5:00 everyday!
I get a lot of questions at work about how I feel about being back. The only way I can describe it is that it’s nice to have a routine again. It’s nice to get up, shower, put clothes on that aren’t PJs and go somewhere that isn’t the mall, parenting group, my mom’s house, or for a walk around the neighborhood. I miss Isabella like crazy, but am happy that she is able to spend time with family during the day. I know (hope?) they enjoy it, too. So really it is a win-win, right?
Also, I really don’t want that coming off as though I enjoy my job. I really despise it right now. There are so many reasons why that I won’t go into it. It’s an OK job, but I guess the best word really is ‘despise’. This is why I’m actively looking for/interviewing for other jobs (within Target). Keep your fingers crossed that I’ll find something that makes me happier soon!
Back to Isabella. She is perfect. Seriously. I don’t know how else to describe her. We moved her into her room and her crib and she didn’t even seem to notice/care. She’s still sleeping all night every night. She’s “talking” more than ever. She loves to lift up/hang onto her feet. She’s almost rolling over. Jeremy can make her giggle up a storm (but still only Jeremy!). I don’t think I’ve heard her CRY (as in all out screaming) in over a week. She goes in to get her pictures taken for the baby search contest thing next month. She has about the best temperament of a baby anyone could ask for. Just perfect.
The only thing that I worry about is her eczema – we’ve started putting stronger stuff on it but it seems to be getting worse. Especially on her face. Poor thing… I don’t really know how much it bothers her, but I can’t imagine it feels good.
This weekend Jeremy and I will be celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary pre-baby style. Bella will stay with Grandma and Grandpa and JT and I will be staying at a hotel in Maple Grove – we’ll enjoy some wine, the cable TV (TLC and Discovery are big deals to non-cable subscribers!), and the hot tub in our room. Oh, and Sat we might even take Bella to the fair!
We came, we saw, we tired
6 months ago
Mandy you should try some of the California Baby products on her excema. Look at www.diapers.com and go under bath and skin care for California Baby. The Calendula Cream and California Baby Shampoo and Body Wash - Calming are supposed to work well. They have reviews on their products for you to read too. Good luck!!! Poor little girl!
Sounds like a fun weekend ahead! I don't know, in my mommy and me class they said to not do anything to the excema as products just make baby skin conditions worse. That it just clears up with time.
Isabella really is "perfect". Every time we see her she is just a joy. Literally. I am not just saying that. She makes me want kids. (Only her!)
I really hope you get another job at Target soon. I know how stressed you have been and how much you dislike your job. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
I am glad you guys had such a great weekend!!
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