Monday, October 13, 2008

Nakie playtime failed...

Just an update that naked playtime promptly ended after Bella reminded me that the garbage bags were there not only to protect the floor from #1, but from #2 as well… thank goodness we were in the basement and near the washing machine.

That was the first and last naked playtime session. Like I mentioned, she didn’t seem to enjoy it enough for me to deal with that again!


Shelly said...

I was thinking you were brave (or maybe crazy?!) for trying this one out!!! LOL! Hey at least you tried it!

Sarah said...

Oh no! I am sorry, but that is hilarious!! Well if she didn't seem to like it anyway, no point in doing it!

Melly Mel said...

You are a brave sould for trying this one...but then again, we will do anything for our little ones!!