Thursday, January 10, 2008

Question of the day:

If baby kicks during/after eating you think that means she likes it or doesn't like it?


Amie and Carson said...

Lol, no not tends to do more with the sugar content for after you eat and during it's if the food is hot/cold that type of thing. That's why people have a juice or a soda before an ultrasound so the baby is moving around more.

Trafty said...

Well that makes perfect sense! I feel her move more when I'm drinking something sugar-y. You are so smart! :)

Jessie said...

I can feel mine poke after I eat a meal too. I'm thinking our baby loooooovvvess food like its parents.

Sarah said...

Haha! I would tihnk it means that she likes it! She is kicking with joy!