Sunday, September 28, 2008

Put the Moby to good use this weekend

Took Bella to Duluth - will write more about it l8r

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Just plugging along

Go Vikes!

Not much is new other than the fact that Bella is growing bigger every day. It’s harder and harder to leave her/not come home to her because I don’t want to miss anything! But our days get so busy so quick – it seems like during the week there is always something that prevents either JT or I or both of us from coming home after work. The nights that both of us get home by dinner time are the best – it gives us time to play with Bella and enjoy the evening together.

Don’t get me wrong, we are usually out doing fun stuff (happy hours, dinners, Twins games, Wiffle Ball...) but nothing compares to being able to hang out with Bella and make her smile! So, if I decline and invite during the week don't be offended....I just need my Isabella fix!

The nice thing is that her nursery is pretty much DONE...I know, 8 months later...the only thing we need to do is get a new shade for the window and get the valence and pictures up. It looks so great - I'll post pictures soon. So now JT is able to focus on other things. Of course, there is always another project for him to move to. Next it will be our railings/stairs. And in between that we are going to get our basement cleaned out - it's become a dumping ground for all the 'stuff' we had to move out of what was our office and is now the nursery.

Anyone need/want a full size mattress and box spring? We have one sitting in our basement, right next to the computer, that drives me nuts! We don't have an extra room for it (our 3rd bedroom houses more random stuff but eventually will be our 'workout' room again) so it's just hanging out in the way of everything. I've never been one who hates clutter, but this is starting to get out of control. How can 2 people and a baby take up so much space?? My family grew up in a house smaller than ours and we never seemed to be cramped.

Bella's newest love is her jumper. We haven't used it a ton since we only see her for a few hours during the week (and we want her in our arms/on the floor playing with her) but she has one at Grandma and Grandpa's that she uses, too.

And yes, I am posting this at 2:30am....but this time Bella didn't wake me up. I've found that in my old age, certain beers/liquors put me to sleep for a few hours and then leave me wide awake. I think it's the sugars. So last night I enjoyed a couple of Surlys @ Palaminos after work and then a couple of Sam Adams later on... I was snoozing by 10:30, but then woke up at 1:30 and here I am. Miller Light doesn't do it to me, but damn Miller Light doesn't taste anything like Surlys' Bender!

At least it is the weekend so I'll be napping w/ Bella as the day goes on.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Yup, it's 4:30am

Isabella woke up at 3:30 needing a pacifier fix, and I haven't been able to get back to sleep since. Normally I can fall right back asleep without any problem, but every once and a while my thoughts keep me up. Rather than lie in bed for another hour I figured I'd get up and be productive (and blog?).

Yesterday, my friend Carol and I walked as a part of the LGLM5K. It was a great day to meet up and walk the lake, meet Matt and Madeline, and see everyone gather to support them.

The crowd

Me, Bella, Matt and Madeline - I'll let you insert your own witty comment about Madeline and Bella here.

All smiles

She pretty much did this the entire walk

Carol and Bella

I was a jerk and didn't offer to take Carol's picture with Matt and Madeline, so here is her Matt picture (that's him in the background being interviewed by Ch 5 news)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh, Hai!

I am walking this on the 21st:

Note that I said WALK - I couldn't run .5K let alone 5K...and I'll be bringing Bella. I'm meeting my friend Carol there, but if anyone else wants to join me let me know.

If you haven't visited Matt Logelin's blog yet, start here (be warned that you will cry, you will laugh, and you will probably become addicted):

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Playtime Progression

What's happening?

Oh! This is fun!

Tickles from Daddy

Daddy's the funniest!

Where'd he go?

Ahhhh! He's back!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Rolly Poly

She rolls over! From her back to her belly. It's so darn cute....and kind of odd to see this little thing that has been totally immobile able to move around by herself. Granted, she doesn't really go anywhere; but it is the first sign of independence for her....and I'm already ready to lock her up in the house and never let her leave!

Monday, September 1, 2008

What has Isabella been doing?

...showing off her feet (doing lots and lots and LOTS of this - her new favorite thing to do. She ALMOST got a toe in her mouth the other day)...

...maintaining a pretty sweet mullet...

...playing with new toys (given to us by JT's sweet!)...

...helping Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Andy pick horses (wasn't very good at this)...

...sleeping in 'big girl' crib in an (almost) finished nursery...

...having fun at the State Fair (she had bacon on a stick [gross] and Daddy won her a frog)...

...staying at Grandma and Grandpa's while Mom and Dad went away for a night to celebrate their anniversary...

...and catching up on some reading (her list will be on soon)
