Saturday, August 16, 2008

watch that baseball soar!

Isabella and I went back to Edelweiss Baby yesterday to pick up the $200 giftcard 'we' won from their promotional model contest. (check out her winning picture) It's such a cute store so we had a lot of fun knowing we had 'free' money to spend! The clothes are a little too $$$$ for us (considering she may only get one or two wears out of them right now), but they have some cute accessories.

I picked up a pair of Baby Legs to try out (funny how you assume babies just come w/ all their appendages). I've heard good things about them, like the fact that you don't have to take them on/off when doing a diaper change.... and they are pretty darn cute!

baby legs

I also got her a pink Flapp Happy hat which she'll have to grow into a bit...

it looked like it fit in the store...

Later that evening, Isabella put on her party dress and hung out with Grandma and Grandpa H.

party on wayne

Jeremy and I went to the Twins game. His work gave him 11th row tickets. Such great seats! I haven't been to the Metrodome in a long time. I'm actually going to miss it. I don't care what anyone says - I think it's a great place to watch a ball game.

what baby?

Tonight we are going to drop her off with his parents and go to dinner with his cousin/our friends. Should be another good night! We are lucky to have so many ready and willing baby sitters nearby. It's nice to be able to get out and about....although I will always miss saying goodnight to my angel/burrito.
better than Chipotle


Jessie said...

I like the baby legs.

Sarah said...

Baby legs are cute!

I think it is funny that you mention that you are going out to dinner with the cousin! No you aren't!!! Haha!